13.1 System-wide email settings

This section contains information about the configuration options relating to email notifications.

13.1.1 Switching email notifications on or off

You can switch email notifications on or off.

Note: The default setting is email notifications switched off. If you want to send email notifications, switch this setting on.

  1. From the Configuration category, select Operation Settings.
  2. Click the Notifications tab.
  3. Set the Send Email Notification option.
  4. Click Save changes to save your changes.

13.1.2 Email format

To specify the email format:

  1. From the Configuration category, click Operation Settings.
  2. On the Notifications tab, select a value for the Mail Format option.

    You can use one of the following values:

    • TEXT – email messages are sent as plain text.
    • HTML – email messages are sent in HTML format.
  3. Click Save changes.

13.1.3 Email codepage

The codepage determines which characters can be used in the email messages; for example, you may want to use Hebrew or Cyrillic characters in addition to the standard 128 ASCII characters.

For messages in TEXT format (see section 13.1.2, Email format), the code page is automatically detected.

If you want to specify the code page for messages in HTML format, you can set the charset for your HTML; for example, for Hebrew, you can add the following to the HTML header:

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; CHARSET=iso-8859-8">

For most email messages, the following charset is suitable:

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; CHARSET=utf-8">

13.1.4 Email separator

The Email separator configuration option allows you to specify the separator used to divide multiple email addresses when sending email messages.

To change the email separator:

  1. From the Configuration category, click Operation Settings.
  2. On the Notifications tab, enter a value for the Email Separator option.

    The default is a semicolon (;).

  3. Click Save changes.

13.1.5 Changing the recipient of administrator messages

The email address of the account that will receive all administrator messages is displayed and can be changed in the Operation Settings workflow.

Note: You can update the email address for licensing notifications using the Licensing workflow. See section 12.4, Updating warning messages.

  1. From the Configuration category, select Operation Settings and then the Notifications tab.
  2. The current email address is displayed in Administration Email. Replace this with an updated address if necessary.
  3. Click Save changes to save your changes.

13.1.6 Setting the number of email notifications

The Single Email Notification option allows you to specify whether a credential holder will receive one email message for all certificates on a card or device (when it is set to Yes) or a separate message for each certificate (when set to No). In either case, you can collect each of the renewed certificates.

To set the option:

  1. From the Configuration category, select Operation Settings.
  2. Click the Notifications tab.
  3. Set the Single Email Notification option.
  4. Click Save changes.